Why Does Ecommerce Localisation Matter?

Woman purchasing goods online with a credit card - ecommerce localisation

If you’re running a successful eCommerce business in your home market, chances are, the next step will be setting your sights on customers in another country to expand your business. Maybe even multiple markets!

If you think setting up a web presence in another country is as simple as merely translating content from one language to another, then think again. There are multiple steps that will need to be taken into consideration.

First, you’ll need to localise your website for your target market. This means you’ll need to take into consideration, both, the linguistic and cultural challenges of engaging customers in the market you choose to target. Then there are the technical aspects of launching a website in a new market, such as international SEO for example. Furthermore, you’ll need to localise your social media presence and aspects of the post-purchase journey such as customer care.

But why does eCommerce localisation matter? First, it creates a deeper connection with international consumers. Some 72% of online consumers prefer to purchase products with information in their own language.

Localising your presence online not only enhances the value of your product to consumers but also gives your business a competitive edge in the market you operate in. Especially when you’re competing against younger, more nimble, online-only brands who traditionally lean into popular marketing practices, like social media, to captivate their customers.

Second, cultural sensitivity and services like transcreation will be key factors in your localisation strategy.

Whether it’s the type of product your launch, your marketing messaging or even your product sizing options, these localisation best practices will help you effectively tailor your brand messaging and products to new markets while taking their cultural, religious and political beliefs into consideration.

When implemented into your wider localisation strategy, these practices will not only help you connect with your international customers on a deeper level but are proven to increase your engagement and conversion rates.

Want more information about eCommerce localisation with examples of how some of the world’s top retail and travel brands have used them? We partnered with Econsultancy on a research report identifying localisation opportunities and challenges with a panel of eight leading brand marketers.

You can download the report for free below.

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