[CASE STUDY] – Increasing Efficiencies in Multilingual Questionnaires: 15,000 words, 5 markets, 5 days. Go!
A Puzzle of Global Proportions
Handling survey programming is complex.
Factor in medical data, and the intricacy increases.
Introduce multiple languages? It becomes a multilingual medical puzzle.
One of the world’s leading healthcare market research companies faced the same challenge. They needed highly technical medical questionnaires and stimuli translated for 5 markets, and they needed it fast – with no room for error.
That’s when they came to us to streamline their workflows and ensure flawless execution in all five markets.

Multilingual Maze Run
Perhaps for others. But as the world’s number one Market Research language provider, this wasn’t our first rodeo.
We assembled a team of research-ready linguists to provide translation, proofreading, overlay, in-language link check, and open-ended response translations for this extensive healthcare study.
Anticipating regular updates, we knew an open line for communication was key.
So, we designed optimal workflows with 24/7 support to meet their expectations.

Puzzle Completed
We translated over 15,000 words in five days, adapting to four rounds of updates across five markets.
But the puzzle had more challenges in store.
In less than five days, we conducted an overlay and link check, tying all the elements together in perfect harmony.