International paid search marketing service
In order to achieve success – both domestically and globally – you need to ensure that you’re selecting the right keywords for your paid search advertising campaigns and then crafting copy and call-to-actions that will ensure that users click on your ads.
But clicks aren’t enough to guarantee success – you also need to make sure that your landing pages are well-written, provide information that’s relevant to the search query and achieve high-quality scores in the relevant paid search advertising platform.
Users in different markets not only speak different languages but may search for goods and services in different ways. On top of this, Google is not always the dominant search engine.
In China, Baidu has the majority of the search market. In Russia, the top search engine is Yandex and each platform has its own paid search advertising tools.
From competitor and keyword research to keyword selection ad copy localization and transcreation, we offer a full service to ensure that your paid search campaigns deliver clicks and ROI.