
Transcription is often an essential part of research studies and TOPPAN Digital Language has a proud history of providing transcription services focused on quality and fast turnarounds.

Unique one-step approach

At TOPPAN Digital Language we offer a unique one-step approach whereby our linguists listen to the source language audio and transcribe directly into English. This method has great advantages over the alternative two-step “transcription plus translation” approach favoured by most of our competitors, which is not only significantly more time-consuming than our one-step approach, but also much more expensive for you, the client. So why pay five times more and wait five times longer for your transcription to be ready when you can get it done by TOPPAN Digital Language in a fraction of the time and at a much lower cost?

We also cover monolingual transcription in all of the main languages and most of the less common ones too.

Quality in all areas

Our transcriptions are carried out by our rigorously selected in-country and local linguists, with each transcriber specialising in one or two market sectors. Each transcription includes checks by a second linguist as well as additional quality checks conducted by the team before delivery.

TOPPAN Digital Language’s reputation for transcription quality has been built since the early days of the company through a combination of consistent delivery, service excellence and a consultative approach that continues to drive our success and the success of our clients.

De-identification of interview audios

In an age when confidentiality and privacy are ever more important, another service we provide is de-identifying participants in market research interview recordings. Also known as data‑anonymization, this is a process whereby we mask the voices on the recordings so that the specific information or topic being discussed in the interviews cannot be linked directly to the identities of the participants.

Our services

Translation & localisationMarket research translation & localisation

Accurate, secure translation and localisation of your content from and into any file type, across a wide spectrum of specialist sectors. Always carried out by professional specialist linguists using ISO-certified processes.

Transcreation & copywritingCreative translation for market research

With our transcreation and copywriting services, we can adapt your translations to ensure that your brand message is conveyed without the loss of style, tone or context regardless of the country, region, language or audience you're targeting

Proofreading & editingProofreading and QA

If you’re struggling with time and resources when proofreading and editing you’re content, we’re the perfect language partner. We provide thorough and meticulous proofreading and editing services to ensure your documents are always market-ready.

InterpretingSimultaneous and consecutive interpreting services

We provide both simultaneous and consecutive interpreting services either face-to-face or over the phone, whatever your event or requirements, and no matter where it is.

TranscriptionOne-step audio transcription

Monolingual or multilingual transcription of your audio and audiovisual market research content into English using our unique one-step approach that saves you both time and money.

Opens / verbatim translationMultilingual survey data translation

Unlock vital information from your survey data and get the right response from your audience with expert opens translation services to fit any situation from our experienced team of translators.

Perché siamo scelti dai nostri clienti



  • Ci sforziamo di attrarre e far crescere i migliori talenti del settore per offrire un servizio di prima classe ai nostri clienti
  • Puntiamo ad alimentare un team rispettoso, diversificato e ambizioso
  • Selezioniamo con attenzione linguisti esperti madrelingua, offrendo sempre un compenso equo


  • Sviluppiamo la nostra tecnologia con la consulenza di esperti fidati per le esigenze di contenuti del settore di pertinenza
  • La nostra piattaforma tecnologica proprietaria, Stream, è semplice da usare e implementare
  • Innoviamo continuamente con la tecnologia più adatta, con un approccio a lungo termine
Tagliata sulle tue esigenze

Tagliata sulle tue esigenze

  • Collaboriamo con il tuo team offrendo un approccio consultivo
  • Ci impegniamo per colmare i punti di debolezza specifici con soluzioni su misura
  • Forniamo un servizio di livello assoluto con eccellenza operativa: qualità, sicurezza e consegne puntuali
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