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From standard video subtitling to perfectly matched transcript to video subtitling, TOPPAN Digital Language has your subtitling needs covered.

Subtitling for your key communication requirements

Leveraging our deep expertise and experience in Market Research and other focus sectors such as Healthcare & Pharma and Consumer & Retail, we produce video files with subtitles for your Market Research interviews, marketing or corporate videos, business presentations, educational videos, e-learning courses, promo videos and many more.

Subtitles are incredibly useful; from distributing videos around the globe and targeting different cultures, to SEO engines like Google that can index the video content through the subtitles. Our subtitling services will give you everything you need to communicate with your international audience. Subtitling is an effective way to make your message more accessible using multilingual content; we offer both subtitling in the source language as well as translation in the languages required.

Deep understanding of subtitling requirements

We can support your needs, whether you have one or multiple video files. Our in-house and global network of professional subtitlers are equipped with the most up-to-date specialist subtitling software. We will ensure to provide cost-effective subtitling solutions and deliver the projects to your specifications and according to the industry-standard guidelines. We make sure culturally sensitive and up-to-date terminology is used, capturing the same substance, style and humour of the original content.

All files undergo our detailed quality control process to ensure accuracy and precision prior to delivery, securing the absolute highest standard for the end products.

Recent subtitling projects include:

  • : Medical Device training materials, instructions, promotional corporate videos and guides.
  • Videos for internal purposes/training: Internal training materials for new strategies and client portfolio updates.
  • IDIs Interviews: Subtitling of video-recorded interviews and adaptation of transcripts on videos to match the speech.

Perché siamo scelti dai nostri clienti



  • Ci sforziamo di attrarre e far crescere i migliori talenti del settore per offrire un servizio di prima classe ai nostri clienti
  • Puntiamo ad alimentare un team rispettoso, diversificato e ambizioso
  • Selezioniamo con attenzione linguisti esperti madrelingua, offrendo sempre un compenso equo


  • Sviluppiamo la nostra tecnologia con la consulenza di esperti fidati per le esigenze di contenuti del settore di pertinenza
  • La nostra piattaforma tecnologica proprietaria, Stream, è semplice da usare e implementare
  • Innoviamo continuamente con la tecnologia più adatta, con un approccio a lungo termine
Tagliata sulle tue esigenze

Tagliata sulle tue esigenze

  • Collaboriamo con il tuo team offrendo un approccio consultivo
  • Ci impegniamo per colmare i punti di debolezza specifici con soluzioni su misura
  • Forniamo un servizio di livello assoluto con eccellenza operativa: qualità, sicurezza e consegne puntuali
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