
Your content and data. Managed, processed, and stored in your country.

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  • Onshoring


Your content and data. Managed, processed, and stored in your country.

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory Compliance

Maintain regulatory integrity

As regulations change more rapidly than ever, staying compliant poses a significant challenge. We’re well-versed in the latest regulations across various industries. Our onshoring capabilities ensure that all regulatory requirements are met, minimizing the risk of severe penalties.

We also recognize that, for some, onshoring is a matter of choice, not just compliance. We make sure your projects are managed and sorted in your region with the utmost precision and care.

Located near you

Wherever you are, so are we

We have project managers, linguists, and data processing capabilities strategically positioned across EMEA, the US and APAC to ensure that, no matter where you are, we deliver seamless, efficient, and secure language services in your country to meet local regulatory requirements.

Located near you
 Data and Privacy

Data and Privacy

Safeguard your information

We have local onshore data centers and robust security protocols that comply with all relevant data protection regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA. We ensure that all data is stored, processed, and managed within the country, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

Technical and Operational Efficiency

Scalable workflow optimization

We’ve built onshoring capabilities with superior technical and operational efficiency to streamline workflows, optimize linguist selection, and deliver high-quality results faster. Our agile service orientation allows us to adapt at scale to your industry-specific needs.

Technical and Operational Efficiency
即刻联系我们,讨论您的多语言需求。 与我们联系




  • 我们努力吸引和培养业内最优秀的人才,为客户提供一流服务
  • 我们致力于打造一个相互尊重、多元化且志存高远的团队
  • 我们精心挑选专业的母语译员,并向其支付合理的报酬


  • 我们根据可靠专家的建议来构建技术,以满足您的行业内容需求
  • 我们的专有技术平台 Stream 简单易用、操作方便
  • 我们采用最合适的技术长期持续创新


  • 我们与您的团队展开咨询式合作
  • 我们专注于通过定制化解决方案解决您的特殊痛点
  • 我们提供一流的服务,做到质量卓越、安全可靠、交付准时


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