• 网站本地化服务





无论您正在调整创意数字化内容还是受监管行业特定材料,我们都会根据您的工作方式调整本地化工作流程。 借助定制技术和流程,我们将助您提升工作流程效率,缩短上市时间,提高您本地化项目的投资回报率。




我们通过原生插件或自身的 REST API,与您的 CMS、电子商务平台和 PIM 整合。 我们的专有翻译管理系统可以助您:

  • 针对网站的各部分和不同服务(翻译、创译、机器翻译等)制定不同的工作流程
  • 简单、快速地发送数量庞大的内容,助力贵公司在不断发展和进军新市场的过程中有效扩大规模。
  • 只需几次点击,便可以筛选和选择待翻译内容,将内容发送给 TOPPAN Digital Language 专门的语言工作者团队,然后将翻译完毕的译文导回网站。

国际化 SEO(搜索引擎优化)


经过用户转化和 SEO(搜索引擎优化)的网站内容和产品描述,被翻译成多种语言,但仍保留了品牌的一贯风格

  • 国际关键词本地化——我们将进行关键词研究,为您提供与关键词最匹配的翻译选择,并根据关键词的搜索量提供建议。
  • 元数据优化——我们将利用关键词研究中确定的关键词优化网页元数据,包括页面标题和元描述,以及页面所针对的一系列关键词。
  • 网页内容优化翻译——一旦生成了本地化关键词,我们可以对待翻译的任何网页进行优化,将这些关键词纳入您的内容中。




为了履行这一使命,我们利用技术完成半自动化检查,依托符合 ISO 标准的系统和负责审阅交付成品的内部专职质保团队,确保准确度和精确度均达到最高水准。





我们的先进专有技术 STREAM 助您实时跟踪本地化项目和支出,以完全可视化的方式了解和掌控项目。

通过使用 STREAM,您可以按照地区、语言或项目快速获取报价,发布任务,跟踪订单,监控资源分配和投资回报率。 这将有助于为您提供必要见解,优化全球沟通工作,实现业务目标。


We have been working with TOPPAN Digital Language for over 3 years and are very satisfied with their work. Their Project Managers are always responsive, add value to the work we do and the quality of their translations is great

Cardiovascular European Research Centre Clinical Operations Manager

What I think you do particularly well is understand the marketing content and you ask relevant questions that we hadn’t even thought about! I feel you are one step ahead and this is massive added value. On two occasions TOPPAN Digital Language has spotted inconsistencies within the content that were subsequently amended on our side. It gives me great confidence working with you.

Brand Learning

Working with TOPPAN Digital Language is such a rewarding experience. At this point I can honestly say, TOPPAN Digital Language is like a second team in our organisation as they make collaboration so easy and fun. They are very professional, and their high standards match ours perfectly.

Verve Project Manager

I am looking at the translation of the concepts: pretty amazing :-)….I am really impressed.

Cello Health Insight

TOPPAN Digital Language is a reliable and knowledgeable partner when it comes to translations for the biotech/pharmaceutical industry. They are very responsive, asked the important relevant questions at project set-up and delivered high quality translations very rapidly, all of which led to Selecta filing the IND on our aggressive timeline.

Selecta Biosciences Senior Vice President R&D

TOPPAN Digital Language are our global translation partner who we rely on for both quant and qual translation needs. Their expertise in healthcare and their professionalism and consultative approach continue to add value to our projects and to our business.

Cello Health Insight Head of Language Resources

TOPPAN Digital Language has been assisting us with a large number of translation and proofreading projects covering a diverse array of study areas. They have always been very professional and highly flexible in terms of the often-changing requirements of our various studies.

Kantar Health (WPP)

TOPPAN Digital Language are our “go to” and global translation partner. We rely on their support, consultative service and quality delivery which all play a large part in allowing M3 Global Research to look great in front of our clients.

M3 Global Research President

…Very good with keeping to deadlines and often surpass their own estimations for translations timings. On numerous occasions they have gone above and beyond what is required and provide us with extra information that helps ensure we are working with the very best translations.


We are very happy with the high quality of TOPPAN Digital Language translations and the dedication and responsiveness of their team to our needs. We have already recommended their services within our company and will not hesitate to work with them further.

Advanced Insulation Group Marketing Manager



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