• 无障碍解决方案

    超越语言。 借助我们的无障碍解决方案,打造更公平的客户体验,让每个人参与其中、贡献力量。



如今,对于需求和能力各不相同的群体而言,提高数字化内容的可访问性比以往任何时候都重要。 您的客户理应都能获得平等访问您数字化内容的机会。

《国家康复法》第 508 条也对网络无障碍性做出规定,要求所有接受美国联邦资助的机构为残障人士提供平等访问网站和电子通信的机会。 《国家康复法》第 508 条覆盖范围广泛,包含了政府机构、管理医疗机构、教育组织和相关私营部门的网站。



网络无障碍性以最新版《网络内容无障碍性指导准则》(WCAG)为指导。 这有助于改善一系列残障人士(视觉、听觉、身体、言语、认知、语言、学习和神经功能障碍等)以及与日俱增的老年人群体的数字体验。

我们可以对内容进行调整,使其符合 WCAG 2.1 AA 标准或其他版本的要求,如 2.0 或 2.1 AAA。 WCAG 2.1 AA 旨在解决残障用户所面临的最常见和最普遍的障碍。 值得注意的是,WCAG 2.1 AA 与 WCAG 2.0 具有向后兼容性,而 WCAG 2.0 是 2019 年左右之前的标准。

我们掌握关于 WCAG 的专业知识

我们帮助客户实现了 508 合规性,同时还符合其他标准,如 WCAG 2.0 和 PDF-UA。 精准、安全、经济实惠——快速交付。 简言之,作为一个一站式服务平台,我们为各组织制作便于每个人访问的内容。

我们遵循 WCAG 2.1 AA 标准,该标准基于四个主要原则,每个原则都有自己特定的指导准则——可感知性、可操作性、可理解性和可靠性。

我们如何帮您达到 508 合规性

5 个检查要点

我们根据 WCAG 2.1 AA 指导准则为您的文件加注标记,并通过报告确保检查表中的所有项目均已通过。 我们通过 5 个检查要点实现此目标:

  • 标记结构——保持表格和列表元素标记结构的一致性
  • 逻辑阅读顺序——保持文档的逻辑阅读顺序与辅助技术的标记层次结构一致,可确保辅助技术正确读出文档内容
  • 订单面板验证——确保所有由客户提供的 PDF 文件内容都被标记或处理为非文本元素
  • 质量检查——由不同专家团队各司其职,采用电子和手动两种方式完成检查
  • 内容完整性——集成电子工作流程(包括活动 URL、链接和目录)

508 合规性证明

在确认所有项目均已合格后,将生成最终报告以证合规,并颁发证明书。 这两份文件可作为一切审核合规性的证明。



We have been working with TOPPAN Digital Language for over 3 years and are very satisfied with their work. Their Project Managers are always responsive, add value to the work we do and the quality of their translations is great

Cardiovascular European Research Centre Clinical Operations Manager

What I think you do particularly well is understand the marketing content and you ask relevant questions that we hadn’t even thought about! I feel you are one step ahead and this is massive added value. On two occasions TOPPAN Digital Language has spotted inconsistencies within the content that were subsequently amended on our side. It gives me great confidence working with you.

Brand Learning

Working with TOPPAN Digital Language is such a rewarding experience. At this point I can honestly say, TOPPAN Digital Language is like a second team in our organisation as they make collaboration so easy and fun. They are very professional, and their high standards match ours perfectly.

Verve Project Manager

I am looking at the translation of the concepts: pretty amazing :-)….I am really impressed.

Cello Health Insight

TOPPAN Digital Language is a reliable and knowledgeable partner when it comes to translations for the biotech/pharmaceutical industry. They are very responsive, asked the important relevant questions at project set-up and delivered high quality translations very rapidly, all of which led to Selecta filing the IND on our aggressive timeline.

Selecta Biosciences Senior Vice President R&D

TOPPAN Digital Language are our global translation partner who we rely on for both quant and qual translation needs. Their expertise in healthcare and their professionalism and consultative approach continue to add value to our projects and to our business.

Cello Health Insight Head of Language Resources

TOPPAN Digital Language has been assisting us with a large number of translation and proofreading projects covering a diverse array of study areas. They have always been very professional and highly flexible in terms of the often-changing requirements of our various studies.

Kantar Health (WPP)

TOPPAN Digital Language are our “go to” and global translation partner. We rely on their support, consultative service and quality delivery which all play a large part in allowing M3 Global Research to look great in front of our clients.

M3 Global Research President

…Very good with keeping to deadlines and often surpass their own estimations for translations timings. On numerous occasions they have gone above and beyond what is required and provide us with extra information that helps ensure we are working with the very best translations.


We are very happy with the high quality of TOPPAN Digital Language translations and the dedication and responsiveness of their team to our needs. We have already recommended their services within our company and will not hesitate to work with them further.

Advanced Insulation Group Marketing Manager



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