Regulated Communications

Regulated Communications

Nuestros servicios.

TechnologyLanguage Technology

We help supercharge your multilingual content workflows and increase efficiency with our robust, security-enhanced translation management system.

Regulated Communications

We help some of the world’s biggest names in regulated markets by assuring local compliance and quality when communicating to a global, multicultural audience.

Marketing and Media Solutions

We help organizations adapt compelling, business-critical communications in any language, while protecting their most important intangible asset - their brand identity. Our marketing division’s expertise is in language solutions hyper focused on brand-critical, multimedia content.

Estudios de mercadoReal Market Research Experience

Whether you're conducting a survey about a new medical drug or running a brand tracker for a mobile phone brand - we'll have the right linguist to convey your message.

Integrated with

Por qué nos eligen nuestros clientes:



  • Nos esforzamos por atraer y potenciar a los mejores talentos del sector para ofrecer un servicio de gran calidad a nuestros clientes.
  • Tenemos la intención de crear un equipo respetuoso, diverso y ambicioso.
  • Seleccionamos cuidadosamente a lingüistas nativos expertos y siempre ofrecemos una retribución justa.


  • Creamos nuestra tecnología con el asesoramiento de expertos de confianza para cubrir las necesidades de contenido de todos los sectores con los que trabajamos.
  • Nuestra plataforma tecnológica patentada, STREAM, es fácil de usar y de implementar.
  • Innovamos continuamente con la tecnología más adecuada, adoptando un enfoque a largo plazo.
Tratamos tus necesidades específicas

Tratamos tus necesidades específicas

  • Nos asociamos con tu equipo a lo largo de todo el proceso consultivo.
  • Nos centramos en abordar tus puntos débiles específicos tratándolos con soluciones específicas a tus necesidades.
  • Prestamos un servicio de primera clase y ofrecemos excelencia operativa basada en la calidad, la seguridad y en la entrega en plazo continua de nuestros encargos.

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No tienes porqué fiarte de lo que te contamos, aquí tienes otras opiniones.

We have been working with TOPPAN Digital Language for over 3 years and are very satisfied with their work. Their Project Managers are always responsive, add value to the work we do and the quality of their translations is great

Cardiovascular European Research Centre Clinical Operations Manager

What I think you do particularly well is understand the marketing content and you ask relevant questions that we hadn’t even thought about! I feel you are one step ahead and this is massive added value. On two occasions TOPPAN Digital Language has spotted inconsistencies within the content that were subsequently amended on our side. It gives me great confidence working with you.

Brand Learning

Working with TOPPAN Digital Language is such a rewarding experience. At this point I can honestly say, TOPPAN Digital Language is like a second team in our organisation as they make collaboration so easy and fun. They are very professional, and their high standards match ours perfectly.

Verve Project Manager

I am looking at the translation of the concepts: pretty amazing :-)….I am really impressed.

Cello Health Insight

TOPPAN Digital Language is a reliable and knowledgeable partner when it comes to translations for the biotech/pharmaceutical industry. They are very responsive, asked the important relevant questions at project set-up and delivered high quality translations very rapidly, all of which led to Selecta filing the IND on our aggressive timeline.

Selecta Biosciences Senior Vice President R&D

TOPPAN Digital Language are our global translation partner who we rely on for both quant and qual translation needs. Their expertise in healthcare and their professionalism and consultative approach continue to add value to our projects and to our business.

Cello Health Insight Head of Language Resources

TOPPAN Digital Language has been assisting us with a large number of translation and proofreading projects covering a diverse array of study areas. They have always been very professional and highly flexible in terms of the often-changing requirements of our various studies.

Kantar Health (WPP)

TOPPAN Digital Language are our “go to” and global translation partner. We rely on their support, consultative service and quality delivery which all play a large part in allowing M3 Global Research to look great in front of our clients.

M3 Global Research President

…Very good with keeping to deadlines and often surpass their own estimations for translations timings. On numerous occasions they have gone above and beyond what is required and provide us with extra information that helps ensure we are working with the very best translations.


We are very happy with the high quality of TOPPAN Digital Language translations and the dedication and responsiveness of their team to our needs. We have already recommended their services within our company and will not hesitate to work with them further.

Advanced Insulation Group Marketing Manager
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