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Salesforce Commerce Cloud Localization

Increase workflow efficiency, reduce time to market and boost the ROI of your website localisation projects.

The Language Cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud

TOPPAN Digital Language’s LINK Cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud provides developers and users with native functionality to easily manage the localisation of all of their digital content assets.

Find out more on SalesForce Commerce Cloud AppExchange

Quick installation and configuration

Quick installation and configuration

The Language Cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud is easy to install and configure and supports the latest Commerce Cloud Storefront Reference Architecture – ensuring localisation best practices across all channels and devices. You can easily switch from the sandbox to the live instances of STREAM in order to perform testing and migrate to the production environment instantly, reducing your reliance on developers and minimising risk.

Support for all content types

Support for all content types

The cartridge supports all of the content types in your Salesforce Commerce Cloud store including products, content assets, categories, campaigns, promotions and content slots. So, you can be sure that new content added to your store can be made available to users in other languages quickly and easily and that you can scale your Salesforce Commerce Cloud installation as your business grows and expands into new markets.

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