Social media listening

Capture the conversations and trends and develop insights not only around your products & brands but also around your industry. Our trained Linguists and Projects Managers take part in all stages of Social Media Listening projects – from Search Term Translation to Reporting Writing.

We help you understand what people say, as it happens

Social media listening gives you access to what people are saying about your product, brand, industry, or competitors across social media platforms and forums as it happens, no matter what the language.

The Who, What, Where and the related trends. Social Media Listening helps you pinpoint areas of follow-on research, form campaigns, improve content strategy and stay ahead of the competition.

At TOPPAN Digital Language, we support our clients both in Multilingual Social Media Listening and in Social Media Analysis, taking part in all phases of their international projects.

Our involvement in Social Media Listening & Analysis:

  • Search Term Translation, including market specific desktop research, into local languages
  • Data Cleaning of posts/discussions/mentions in the platform
  • Research & Analysis both inside and outside of the platform, including back-translation of relevant posts
  • Report & Summary of collected and analysed data relevant to the client brief
  • Multi-market Brainstorming sessions to ensure individual market specific information and findings are considered in the final report
  • Pharmacovigilance & AE Reporting throughout the process

Bring our multilingual team to bear on your projects

Our team of native linguists and project managers leverage their home market understanding, language mastery, and analytical skills for our clients and create a partnership with them to extend the global capability of their team.

Speak to us about our recent experience and how we can support you with your Social Media Listening projects.

Por qué nos eligen nuestros clientes:



  • Nos esforzamos por atraer y potenciar a los mejores talentos del sector para ofrecer un servicio de gran calidad a nuestros clientes.
  • Tenemos la intención de crear un equipo respetuoso, diverso y ambicioso.
  • Seleccionamos cuidadosamente a lingüistas nativos expertos y siempre ofrecemos una retribución justa.


  • Creamos nuestra tecnología con el asesoramiento de expertos de confianza para cubrir las necesidades de contenido de todos los sectores con los que trabajamos.
  • Nuestra plataforma tecnológica patentada, STREAM, es fácil de usar y de implementar.
  • Innovamos continuamente con la tecnología más adecuada, adoptando un enfoque a largo plazo.
Tratamos tus necesidades específicas

Tratamos tus necesidades específicas

  • Nos asociamos con tu equipo a lo largo de todo el proceso consultivo.
  • Nos centramos en abordar tus puntos débiles específicos tratándolos con soluciones específicas a tus necesidades.
  • Prestamos un servicio de primera clase y ofrecemos excelencia operativa basada en la calidad, la seguridad y en la entrega en plazo continua de nuestros encargos.
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