
When you need an accurate translation carried out in real time, only a specialist interpreter will do. TOPPAN Digital Language has large pool of experienced in-country interpreters to cover a wide range of events and subject areas.

Face-to-face or over the phone

We provide both simultaneous and consecutive interpreting services either face-to-face or over the phone. Whatever your event or requirements, and no matter where it is, we can provide you with an experienced and specialised interpreter to ensure that your message gets across.

All you need is a venue for the interpreting and we will do the rest.

Need equipment? No problem! Just let us know the details of your set-up and our team will advise on what equipment you will need to ensure that the interpreting is a success on the day. Want interpreting done over the phone? Sure, just tell us when you need us and we will be there.

We also provide Asynchronous Audio Translation as an alternative to transcribing interviews. Just send us the audio file and we’ll interpret it for you!

The right interpreter

Our interpreters are all tested and specialised in a one or two main fields. Whether you need a consecutive interpreter for a meeting or focus group in London, a simultaneous interpreter for a conference in Macau, or a simultaneous interpreter for Market Research interviews over the phone, we have a large network of experienced interpreters to call upon to ensure that the right interpreter is allocated to you.

TOPPAN Digital Language places a strong emphasis on providing high quality interpreting services as part of our linguistic offering, and we have a reputation for adding genuine value to our clients’ projects and for making them look good!

Por qué nos eligen nuestros clientes:



  • Nos esforzamos por atraer y potenciar a los mejores talentos del sector para ofrecer un servicio de gran calidad a nuestros clientes.
  • Tenemos la intención de crear un equipo respetuoso, diverso y ambicioso.
  • Seleccionamos cuidadosamente a lingüistas nativos expertos y siempre ofrecemos una retribución justa.


  • Creamos nuestra tecnología con el asesoramiento de expertos de confianza para cubrir las necesidades de contenido de todos los sectores con los que trabajamos.
  • Nuestra plataforma tecnológica patentada, STREAM, es fácil de usar y de implementar.
  • Innovamos continuamente con la tecnología más adecuada, adoptando un enfoque a largo plazo.
Tratamos tus necesidades específicas

Tratamos tus necesidades específicas

  • Nos asociamos con tu equipo a lo largo de todo el proceso consultivo.
  • Nos centramos en abordar tus puntos débiles específicos tratándolos con soluciones específicas a tus necesidades.
  • Prestamos un servicio de primera clase y ofrecemos excelencia operativa basada en la calidad, la seguridad y en la entrega en plazo continua de nuestros encargos.
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