Product descriptions

Translate one or all of your products at the click of a button

The best product descriptions address your ideal customer directly and personally and rely on communicating the benefits of your product to them rather than focusing on features. But, customers in different regions display radically different behaviour so a standard translation service is likely to result in product descriptions that fail to entice users to buy.

The terms used by your international customers to find your products are likely to be different from the terms used by customers in your domestic market and therefore, the translated content will need to be adapted if it’s to be successful.

As part of our onboarding process, we will work with your marketing team to develop buyer personas for each of your product categories in order to select the most appropriate linguists for your project and to develop in-depth knowledge of your brand, products and target audience.

We’ll then build a bespoke glossary for your content to ensure that the translated content is consistent, accurate and of a high standard, regardless of the number of linguists actively working on the project.

And to improve efficiency and reduce costs and time to market – we can integrate your eCommerce platform to our translation management system, STREAM, to allow you to send products directly to us from your site admin panel without the need for time-consuming and error prone copying and pasting or email communication.

Our services

TranscreationCreative translation service

We can adapt your translations to ensure that your brand message is conveyed without the loss of style, tone or context regardless of the country, region, language or audience you're targeting.

Website translationLocalisation & CMS integration

We provide an API and out-of-the-box integration capabilities for all the major CMS and eCommerce platforms – increasing efficiency and reducing the time and cost of your website translation project.

Multilingual copywritingCreative copywriting services

We help global businesses find their distinctive voice and share their brand story with audiences around the world through exceptional, persuasive copywriting in over 90 different languages.

International SEOInternational search engine optimisation

From technical audits to keyword research and SEO copywriting – we offer a range of services that will ensure that your site is optimised for the most popular search engines and online marketplaces in your target region.

Multilingual PPCPaid search management

From Google Adwords to Baidu paid search advertising, we offer a full service from keyword research to ad copywriting and PPC account management to ensure that your paid search campaigns deliver clicks and ROI.

Internal communicationsSpread internal information globally

Our corporate communications translation service helps businesses break the barriers of culture and language to successfully transmit information internally.

Intégration avec

Pourquoi nos clients nous font confiance :



  • Nous nous efforçons d’attirer et de développer les meilleurs talents du secteur pour offrir un service de première classe à nos clients
  • Nous créons volontairement une équipe respectueuse, diversifiée et ambitieuse
  • Nous sélectionnons un par un des linguistes experts de langue maternelle et les payons toujours équitablement


  • Nous construisons notre technologie en nous appuyant sur les conseils d’experts de confiance pour répondre aux besoins de votre secteur en matière de contenu
  • Notre plateforme technologique propriétaire, Stream, est facile à utiliser et à mettre en œuvre
  • Nous innovons continuellement avec la technologie la plus appropriée grâce à une approche à long terme
Adapté à vos besoins

Adapté à vos besoins

  • Nous travaillons en partenariat avec votre équipe et nous mettons à son entière disposition
  • Nous nous concentrons sur la résolution de vos problèmes spécifiques avec des solutions sur mesure
  • Nous fournissons un service de première classe avec une excellence opérationnelle : qualité, sécurité et livraison dans les délais

We help businesses communicate globally

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