Multilingual Copywriting

We work with some of the world’s largest brands, retailers and agencies – providing high-quality copywriting services in over 250 languages.

In today’s globalised world, brands and retailers can no longer get away with producing content in a single language. Consumers demand content in their own language and in many cases, localised content is more important to users than price.

  • 55% of global consumers said they only buy products from websites that provide them with information in their own language.
  • 51% of business buyers would rather buy a product from a site with poor-quality localisation than from a site that only has English content.
  • 56% of the consumers said the ability to obtain information in their own language is even more important than price.

However, the translation of content is not always the best approach to engage with consumers in new markets. These consumers have their own unique culture and identity and often require messages tailored specifically to them. It’s for these reasons that brands choose to engage with their customers in the various markets in which they operate with content created with their target audience in mind.

From websites to outdoor advertising, brochures to PPC ads, press releases to emails and social media – we can provide you with high-quality copy that speaks to your target customer while retaining the essence of your brand regardless of their country, language or culture.

Our copywriters

Rather than writing copy in one language and having it translated into another, our copywriting service is focused on the creation of unique content created specifically for your target audience. We work with in country native copywriters that have a deep understanding of not only the language but the local culture. This allows us to select only the best copywriters for each job and client.

We only work with experienced, qualified copywriters and our recruitment process includes a rigorous testing procedure to ensure that the writer can not only craft engaging, well-written copy but also has a deep understanding of their specialism.

Once a team is selected, we ensure that the same copywriters are used on every one of your projects. This makes sure that we not only don’t have to brief and train new copywriters to work on your project but also ensures consistency.

We work directly with clients to identify their preferred their preferred style and tone of voice and ensure that only the most appropriate writers, editors and reviewers are selected to work on their projects.

Our account managers

We provide a dedicated team of account managers and project managers and expert linguists with expertise in your business sector to handle your copywriting project. All of our account and project managers are qualified linguists with at least one master’s degree in a related discipline and significant expertise in delivering copywriting and translation projects.

Our multilingual copywriting services include:

  • Websites
  • Ecommerce stores
  • Product descriptions
  • On- and offline advertising
  • Blog articles
  • Social media
  • Internal communications
  • Technical manuals
  • Corporate reports
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