  • 多媒体语言服务






我们针对您的项目和细分市场遴选出最适合的语言工作者,由此能以 250 余种语言提供下列服务:

  • 语内字幕制作及翻译(源语言)
  • 语际字幕制作及翻译(不同语言)
  • 旁白
  • 配音






  • 在线学习课程和其他培训资料
  • 公司视频、指南和商务演示文稿
  • 市场研究访谈和深度访谈
  • 用于内部目的/培训的视频
  • 深度访谈:视频记录访谈字幕制作及翻译,以及为匹配语音而对视频转录稿进行调整。






我们提供独具特色的一步式方法,由语言工作者直接聆听源语言音频并转录为英文。 比起多数竞争对手更常采用的两步式“转录加翻译”方法,此方法更加快捷和具有成本效益。


  • 逐字转录:一种逐字忠实转录的服务,包含讲话者的一切话语。
  • 智能转录:一种排除所有不必要的话语和填充词的转录服务。
  • 编辑转录:一种排除所有不必要的话语、填充词、非标准语言和重复词的转录服务。




这有助于我们提供具有成本效益的字幕制作及翻译解决方案,按照行业标准指导准则、根据您的具体要求交付项目。 我们还确保使用具有文化敏感性的最新术语,同时保留与原创内容相同的主旨、风格和幽默感。


We have been working with TOPPAN Digital Language for over 3 years and are very satisfied with their work. Their Project Managers are always responsive, add value to the work we do and the quality of their translations is great

Cardiovascular European Research Centre Clinical Operations Manager

What I think you do particularly well is understand the marketing content and you ask relevant questions that we hadn’t even thought about! I feel you are one step ahead and this is massive added value. On two occasions TOPPAN Digital Language has spotted inconsistencies within the content that were subsequently amended on our side. It gives me great confidence working with you.

Brand Learning

Working with TOPPAN Digital Language is such a rewarding experience. At this point I can honestly say, TOPPAN Digital Language is like a second team in our organisation as they make collaboration so easy and fun. They are very professional, and their high standards match ours perfectly.

Verve Project Manager

I am looking at the translation of the concepts: pretty amazing :-)….I am really impressed.

Cello Health Insight

TOPPAN Digital Language is a reliable and knowledgeable partner when it comes to translations for the biotech/pharmaceutical industry. They are very responsive, asked the important relevant questions at project set-up and delivered high quality translations very rapidly, all of which led to Selecta filing the IND on our aggressive timeline.

Selecta Biosciences Senior Vice President R&D

TOPPAN Digital Language are our global translation partner who we rely on for both quant and qual translation needs. Their expertise in healthcare and their professionalism and consultative approach continue to add value to our projects and to our business.

Cello Health Insight Head of Language Resources

TOPPAN Digital Language has been assisting us with a large number of translation and proofreading projects covering a diverse array of study areas. They have always been very professional and highly flexible in terms of the often-changing requirements of our various studies.

Kantar Health (WPP)

TOPPAN Digital Language are our “go to” and global translation partner. We rely on their support, consultative service and quality delivery which all play a large part in allowing M3 Global Research to look great in front of our clients.

M3 Global Research President

…Very good with keeping to deadlines and often surpass their own estimations for translations timings. On numerous occasions they have gone above and beyond what is required and provide us with extra information that helps ensure we are working with the very best translations.


We are very happy with the high quality of TOPPAN Digital Language translations and the dedication and responsiveness of their team to our needs. We have already recommended their services within our company and will not hesitate to work with them further.

Advanced Insulation Group Marketing Manager
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