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Environmental Responsibility

As responsible members of international society, we who work within the Toppan group strive to realise a sustainable society through forward-looking corporate activities with consideration for the conservation of the global environment.

TOPPAN Inc Declaration on the Global Environment

Basic Principles:

    1. We observe all laws, regulations and in-company rules relating to the environment.
    2. For the future of the Earth, we strive for the effective utilization of limited resources and the reduction of all types of environmental burden.
    3. With foresight, we promote the development and widespread use of products that show consideration for the environment, and contribute to the environmental activities of customers.
    4. We engage in communication related to the environment with a wide range of peoples both inside and outside the company, and strive for mutual understanding.
    5. We also take a proactive approach to environmental conservation in corporate activities in international society

Key principles of TDL’s approach to the environment

TOPPAN Digital Language recognises that a proportion of its activities have an impact on the environment and, as such, is committed to:

    1. Caring for the environment and the prevention of pollution
    2. Complying with all relevant environmental policies, legislation and requirements
    3. Training, educating and informing our employees about environmental issues
    4. Reducing waste through re-use and recycling and by purchasing recycled, recyclable or re-furbished products and materials, where these alternatives are available
    5. Promoting efficient use of materials and resources throughout our facility, including water, electricity and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable
    6. Avoiding unnecessary use of hazardous materials and products and taking all reasonable steps to protect human health and the environment when such materials must be used, stored and disposed of
    7. Actively reduce printing requirements through either not printing, printing two per page and/or double sided
    8. Avoiding unnecessary travel when non face-to-face interactions would be reasonably sufficient
    9. Communicating our policy within our organisation and the public, including suppliers
    10. Monitoring usage on an ongoing basis
    11. Improving our environmental performance and minimising the social impact and damage of activities by periodically reviewing our environmental policy in light of our current and planned future activities.

Find out more about TOPPAN Group’s Sustainability activities here: SUSTAINABILITY|TOPPAN

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