Baidu’s Translation App Now Translates Images

Baidu’s Translation App Now Translates Images

….and the results are interesting to say the least

Baidu, the Chinese web giant best known for its search engine, has updated its translation app to include object recognition.

The tweak, to the firm’s Android and iOS apps, means you can take a photo of something and the app will give you both an English and Chinese translation.

All you need to do is select picture, take a pic, circle the object you want to translate with your finger, then hit the ‘tick’ mark.

Except, when we tested the app in the office, we found out the accuracy isn’t always the best…

Baidu translator Evian bottle

Snuff bottle?!

Adam screenshot

So, no mention of the ‘tache then



Baidu translation error


It’s expected that the app will be improved in the coming months, but for now it offers little practical value. Still, it’s pretty cool. Of course, anyone looking for a lesson from all of this should be reminded that if you want effective translation, you really do need to use a professional translation company.

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