France Social Media

France has the fourth largest number of internet users of any country in Europe (56.4 million), and ranks 17th for the number of internet users globally. Internet penetration was 86.8 % in June 2017, whereas Germany had 89.6 %, and Iceland had 100 % penetration.

According to Intel, in 2012 39 % of French adults are more comfortable sharing online than in person. In addition, adults are 47 % as likely to share as frequently online as teens.

According to The World Bank, French Internet users spent an average of 4.6 hours per day online in 2016 (way behind the UK at 5.4 and the US average of 6.2 hours). The overall number of social network users in France was around 33 million monthly active users.

Social Networks

  • The average time spent per French visitor on social networks is 247 minutes a month
  • Facebook is the most popular social network in France
  • France has the third highest number of Facebook users in Europe, after Turkey and the UK
  • 95 % of French companies don’t use social networks, but that number is decreasing as more and more Internet users in France join social networks and social media becomes a more useful way to reach consumers

Top 8 social network sites among internet users in France, ranked by penetration, 2017:

1. Facebook: 65 %
2. Youtube: 69 %
3. Twitter: 24 %
4. Instagram: 26 %
5. Google Plus: 21 %
6. Pinterest: 17 %
7. LinkedIn: 14 %
8. Copains d’Avant 7%

France Social Media in Depth

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