USA Social Media

The United States has an online population of around 287 million as of June of 2017, at about 87.9% penetration. The percentage of the total population on social media is 65.5%, amounting to approximately 214 million people. The percentage of social media users is rapidly growing, with an 11% increase since January of 2016. Americans spend an average of 2 hours and 6 minutes on social media every day, and over 8 hours on the internet in general. About 239 million Americans actively use their mobile devices to access the internet.

  • The USA is the biggest market for most globally successful social media channels
  • Pinterest and Instagram are experiencing the highest growth
  • The US Hispanic population was the fastest growing ethnic group on Facebook
  • Facebook adoption is growing among older generations
  • The majority of online video viewers use YouTube
More on United States Social Media

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