
New and Effective Shopping Ads Your Brand Needs to Be Looking At

New and Effective Shopping Ads Your Brand Needs to Be Looking At

Despite backlash over political ads, Facebook ads are still hugely popular. So what are the new social media advertising trends you need to look out for?

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Is Your Brand Ready for Voice Ecommerce?

Is Your Brand Ready for Voice Ecommerce?

With screenless voice search predicted to take up 30% of web browsing next year. How are brands preparing for voice eCommerce?

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Collaboration Culture: The Next Step in the Evolution of Retail

Collaboration Culture: The Next Step in the Evolution of Retail

Are strategic brand partnerships part of a new strategy used by retailers to secure their future in a competitive and unpredictable industry?

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The Impact of Culture on Agile Development Practices

The Impact of Culture on Agile Development Practices

Agile working represents a collaborative mindset, suitable for the kinds of jobs we do now. But how do Agile working practices work outside the West?

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Localising your Customer Service Approach for Best Results

Localising your Customer Service Approach for Best Results

Customers have high expectations for your customer service standards. Failing to meet those expectations can really make or break your brand.

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China’s Obsession with Microcredit

China’s Obsession with Microcredit

Despite popular belief, Chinese households are notoriously frugal and saving-focused. How has this influenced China's obsession with accessing Microcredit?

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How China’s Growth is Impacting the Demand for Diamond Jewellery

How China’s Growth is Impacting the Demand for Diamond Jewellery

China is presently the world’s second-largest market for diamonds and it’s mostly fuelled by young buyers. And China’s demand for gemstones is growing.

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How Different Cultures Value Cuteness in your Marketing

How Different Cultures Value Cuteness in your Marketing

Consumers in some Asian countries seem to have a much higher tolerance of cuteness, and in a wider range of areas of life, compared to Westerners.

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International Opportunities in Plus-Sized Fashion

International Opportunities in Plus-Sized Fashion

With the body positivity movement at its peak and demand for plus-sized clothing increases, brands need to cater to this underrepresented audience.

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Why Different Audiences Need Localised Images

Why Different Audiences Need Localised Images

Images hold power; you need to reconsider the visual elements that accompany your brand and marketing to consumers in new markets

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How Ephemeral Content Can Help you Build your Brand

How Ephemeral Content Can Help you Build your Brand

Since 2016, when the format was popularised by Snapchat, the creation and consumption of ephemeral content have grown by over 800%.

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How to Manage an Audio Localisation Project

How to Manage an Audio Localisation Project

Audio localisation projects are usually pretty complex to manage, particularly if you’re working across multiple target markets at once.

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Why Chinese New Year is Emerging as a Major UK Retail Opportunity

Why Chinese New Year is Emerging as a Major UK Retail Opportunity

Chinese New Year is set to become the next holiday retailers captalise on to attract the growing number of Chinese customers in the UK

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Why Easybuy is Acing India’s Clothing Market

Why Easybuy is Acing India’s Clothing Market

Easybuy is one clothing chain that has understood how to crack India's fashion market by targeting the country's growing middle-class apparel consumers.

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What’s the Big Billion Days Sale and How do Retailers Win at this Event?

What’s the Big Billion Days Sale and How do Retailers Win at this Event?

Fabricated shopping holidays are all the rage around the world. One of these holidays is India’s Big Billion Days shopping event.

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On Flemish and Belgian Dutch and how they are the same

On Flemish and Belgian Dutch and how they are the same

If the terms ‘Flemish’ and ‘Belgian Dutch’ actually refer to the same language, is localisation of Dutch (Netherlands) into Dutch (Belgium) necessary?

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How Machine Translation Can Support Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Projects

How Machine Translation Can Support Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Projects

Sentiment analysis is a technologically-enabled way of measuring the tone of conversations about your brand and extremly useful in social media monitoring.

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How Amazon Embraced Cash-on-delivery Payments in Kenya

How Amazon Embraced Cash-on-delivery Payments in Kenya

Although mobile payments in Kenya are increasing, Cash-on-delivery is still popular and Amazon is cashing in on this payment option.

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Terminology Management and Why it Matters

Terminology Management and Why it Matters

Having a terminology management system in place helps if there are multiple translators working on the same material - especially when technical in nature.

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How Vegan Products Became Beauty’s Hot New Trend

How Vegan Products Became Beauty’s Hot New Trend

Over the last 10 years, the Vegan Society says numbers have increased 360%, making this a much more sizeable segment than ever before.

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